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For Christmas this year, I want an Oliver tractor set. I'll take very good care of the tractors and all the attachments - combine, manure spreader, wagon and plough.

Maybe these toys were a Christmas present for an adult as they don't seem to have been played with. The 1/16 die cast toys were donated to the Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick in perfect condition. We even have the original boxes!

Donor: Jean-Louis Richard

Artefact #: 023004003 - 007, 023004010

Did you play with Oliver tractors as a child? Did any farmers in our local area have the real thing? The Row Crop 77 Oliver Tractor was made between 1948 and 1954 and the Super 55 Oliver Tractor was made between 1955 and 58.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Agricultural Museum of New Brunswick!

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