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Miniature Thresher (Artifact # 990-028)


This miniature thresher was donated by Gordon Hall of Lower Millstream and is believed to have been originally built by William W. Kelso, an employee at Wallace Machine Works.

This machine threshes grain, that is, it removes the seeds from the stalks and husks by beating the plant to make the seeds fall out.

The miniature thresher was taken around to fairs and exhibitions to demonstrate how a large scale thresher would work in the hopes that people would be persuaded to buy one. Wallace Machine Works was located in Sussex and was incorporated in 1919. In 1926, it was renamed "Wallace Manufacturing Company".

Source: "History of a Small town Industrial Giant - The Wallace Machine Works, Ltd., and Wallace Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Sussex, New Brunswick 1919-1956" by K. Wayne Vail.

Click the link to watch long time volunteer Hank Myers describe the miniature thresher -

Image Description: A large red thresher with yellow print saying "Sussex Little Giant Thresher" and "Wallace Machine Works".

Artifact #:990-028

Donated by: Gordon Hall of Lower Millstream


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