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Our Link to Camp Sussex and a War Hero


Wood Stove #021010001

Donor: John Dysart

This stove is believed to have been used to heat a building at Camp Sussex. The military training camp was part of Sussex from May 1885, to prepare men for service in the North West Rebellion, through World War One and Two, closing in 1969. Leonard Drive runs through the old camp site and the Armory across the street from the Agricultural Museum, named in memory of Brigadier Milton Gregg VC, is home to "B" Squadron of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's).

Milton F Gregg (1892 - 1978) was born in Mountain Dale, NB and joined the 8th New Brunswick Hussars militia regiment when he was 18 years old. Follow this link to read of his actions that lead to his being awarded the Victoria Cross in 1918, Canada's highest award for bravery. Milton Fowler Gregg -

You can also visit the 8th Hussar's Regimental Museum on Broad Street, Sussex for more information about Camp Sussex. Museum - The Association & Museum of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) Inc. (

This stove was made in Sackville, New Brunswick at the Charles Fawcett Mfg. Co. which opened in 1852. Charles Fawcett originally made tinware to meet the needs of the growing number of settlers in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Later he switched to stoves, which he made especially to meet local conditions. These were soon in such demand that skilled workers had to be recruited from overseas to man the new and enlarged workshops.



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